Since there is barely enough information to interpret “your” as God, I will not invoke a 2 point penalty for this section. How much of the lyrics line up with Scripture?Īlmost all of it does However, one line is slightly unclear. The Bridge and second verse also appears twice apiece. Side Note: To those sensitive to massive repetition, the Chorus shows up four times, each with a thrice-repeat. Still, Bethel could have included some attributes of God to make it clearer. Who is this “your” whose love never fails? Though the majority of these lyrics have the trappings of boyfriend language, what keeps this interpretation barely less likely is the mention of debt payment and the grave. It is also the source of our confidence and payment for our debt. Nothing will separate the recipient of “your” love that overflows our thirsty souls, causing us to lose what fear we had left.

It is a love that is deeper, wider, and stronger than any other that exists, including death. The main thrust of this song is that “your” love does not fail. I strongly encourage you to consider the potential blessings and dangers of this artist ‘s theology by visiting Resources. Note to new users: This is a different kind of review site! Read About the Berean Test and Evaluation Criteria prior to reading this review. Maybe One Thing Remains will change my mind? Overall, I have not been impressed with their music. I myself have done several reviews from their artists under this label and other labels, including No Longer Slaves, Raise a Hallelujah, and Reckless Love. Bethel Music has been infiltrating worship sets for several years.