In Pinkie on the One, Rainbow tries to get Pinkie Pie to help her find a drummer for her band. However, she forfeits the prize to Trixie and decides to instead buy the guitar she used in their fight. Rainbow Dash wins the duel when she suddenly transforms into her pony-like state and blows Trixie away with a sonic rainboom-like effect. She plays a major role in Guitar Centered, where she duels Trixie in an electric guitar battle over a coveted double-necked guitar to replace her broken one. In Music to My Ears, Rainbow Dash appears briefly at the Sweet Shoppe with her friends, waving to DJ Pon-3. Rainbow Dash in a shred-off in Guitar Centered. After Sunset Shimmer's speech, she finally sees the error of her ways and acknowledges that it is "our band" and not just hers, and she allows the band to play a song Fluttershy wrote. Throughout the film, Rainbow Dash shows moments of egotism, taking credit for the formation of the Rainbooms, frequently stating that it's her band since she's the leader, judging her friends' performances, and being reluctant to play songs that Fluttershy had written. When Twilight returns to the human world, she takes over as lead vocalist. In the Rainbooms, she is initially the lead vocalist as well as the guitarist and songwriter. She first appears helping her friends make a poster for the CHS Musical Showcase. Rainbow Dash reappears in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks and its tie-in animated shorts, where she plays lead guitar in her friends' band, the Rainbooms. Rainbow Dash playing guitar in Rainbow Rocks. Her wings and pony ears vanish when the portal to Equestria closes after Twilight's departure. After Sunset Shimmer is defeated, Rainbow flies around at the Fall Formal, picking up Scootaloo and giving her a ride. When Twilight invokes the power of the element of magic, Rainbow briefly channels the element of loyalty and gains pony-like attributes. Rainbow easily wins, but she helps Twilight anyway, telling her that she was testing her determination. Rainbow tells Twilight that she will only help her become Princess of the Fall Formal if she beats her in a soccer match, with the first to make five goals winning. She is first mentioned to have had a falling out with Applejack, but after Applejack discovers they were driven apart by the machinations of Sunset Shimmer, the girls reconcile at Twilight Sparkle's urging. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Rainbow Dash is Canterlot High School's resident jock, being captain of all the school's sports teams. 1.14 Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrappedĭepiction in Equestria Girls My Little Pony Equestria Girls.1.13 Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass.1.11 Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship.1.10 Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship.1.9 Better Together/Choose Your Own Ending.1.4 Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree.She is a student at Canterlot High School and electric guitarist/ lead vocalist for the Rainbooms. Rainbow Dash's human counterpart appears in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls franchise. Kristina Romanskaya ( Russian, Legend of Everfree) Tamara Roman ( Romanian, Awesome As I Wanna Be) Veridiana Benassi ( Brazilian Portuguese, Rainbow Rocks)Īnca Iliese ( Romanian, Better Than Ever) Mônica Toniolo ( Brazilian Portuguese, Equestria Girls) Lina Ivanova ( Russian, Legend of Everfree, Tales of Canterlot High, Choose Your Own Ending, Rollercoaster of Friendship, and Better Together season 2)Īlena Sozinova ( Russian, Summertime Shorts, Better Together season 1 and Forgotten Friendship) Yelena Chebaturkina ( Russian, up to Friendship Games) Rainbooms' lead vocalist/electric guitarist Rainbow Dash as a Pegasus in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown